Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Finding Time

I'm up to six iPads!

My classroom received three iPads as the primary portion of our grant, and I have been able to "borrow" three more iPads on a pretty regular basis . . . which is good, because if there is one thing I have learned from this experience, it's that three iPads are not nearly enough!  The iPads continue to be a hot commodity to my fifth graders.  They discover new uses and reasons to work with them every day (some more legitimate than others) - and I am thrilled!

It has taken a couple weeks to sort it all out, but I finally have all the pieces I need up and running to project the iPad image through the LCD projector and iPad sound through the Lightspeed system.  The first required a lightning adapter, which I received as part of the grant, but was missing a cord.  Thanks to my husband for finding the missing piece at an electronics store- I wouldn't have known where to start.  Getting the sound to work was embarrassingly easy . . .once I found the time to figure it out.  My students can now share their work and creations to the whole class, and they are loving it.

Speaking of time:  The initial focus of the grant for Laurie and I was the integration of the iPads and Daily 5, specifically with the Read to Self portion.  I fully admit that although we use the iPads in a  million ways, and continue to find even more uses on an almost daily basis, this is the portion that continues to challenge us. We had high hopes that we would find the elusive site/app/etc. durring one of the IntegratED sessions.  We learned so much, but did not discover an appropriate resource.    With OAKS, Interim Assessments, and report cards upon us . . . we have simply had no extra time to do any more exploring.   Honestly, I think we just need to change our blog title and remove the Daily 5 part!

  • Getting iPads and accessories organized and hooked up to LCD projector and sound system took some time, patience, and a husband willing to find and connect the missing pieces.
  • Number of iPads: Three are not nearly enough; I can lose the other three at any given time.
  • Applications: There are so many out there, and many are not good!
  • Actually using iPads during Daily 5 continues to be a challenge.
What is Working/How We Are Using the iPads:
  • MobyMax provides leveled text with comprehension questions, requires little teacher time or instruction, and students are extremely motivated to use the site. I try to keep from grinning when my very reluctant reader "Matthew" finishes his classwork at a rate I've rarely witnessed, just so he can log into MobyMax.  He professes to hate reading, yet is incredibly motivated to read and answer comprehension questions as long as it's on the iPad.  I keep waiting for the bubble to burst!
  • Tellagami:  This is an application that Laurie and I were introduced to at IntegratED.  I have students use this to summarize a story: create an avatar that resembles the main character, upload a picture that matches the setting, and record an oral summary (or use a computer-generated voice).  The avatar "tells" the summary.  Laurie and I demonstrated this application at a staff meeting, and it was almost as big a hit with the staff as it is with my students.
  • Xtra Math: Several students do not have computer and/or internet access at home.  They can quickly log into the site with the iPad and complete a session at school.  I have several students that choose to do this during their recesses- yay!
  • EasyCBM: It's inevitable that a student or two are absent or don't finish while we are in the computer lab; in the past it was incredibly difficult to figure out a non-disruptive method of finishing the test up for these students.  With the iPads, it is a non-issue.  So easy!
  • Research:  I cannot stress enough how amazing it is to be able to access information online quickly.  Students use the iPads to find information for research projects, vocabulary word definitions and pronunciations, look up pictures of unfamiliar settings in stories-  the list of uses goes on and on.
Goals and Wishes:
  • Use iPads with Daily 5 at least a few times a week by the end of the year.
  • Familiarize myself with and use QR codes, possibly in social studies?
  • More iPads:  We are currently working with our PTA to purchase more iPads and Apple TVs for each classroom.  Fingers are crossed!
  • Staff Technology Professional Development:  It's hard to believe, but Laurie and I are two of the more tech-savvy teachers on staff.  This makes me laugh!  But we are committed to getting iPads into the hands of teachers and showing them how easy they are to integrate into the classroom.  I am so excited about the prospect of so many teachers discovering and sharing new ways to use iPads at Ladd Acres.

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